So Deep

So, I was just reading Zuri’s blog and…how does she always seem so deep?  I mean, I’m deep too, right?  For sure!  Okay, I’m gonna try really hard to keep this post real sober and deep like.  Prepare to be amazed by a different face of Paula.


Ahem…ever since I was little I’ve never been close to my daddy.  I’ve always called him daddy and I do love him and I know he loves me, but we just don’t really connect.  He always wanted me to be tough and…I don’t know, more like him I guess.  He brought me into the dojo when I was just, maybe five or so.  I mean, I thought it would be cool and all, right?  I could learn to do cool gymnastics and stuff as part of fighting.  Plus, if I ever did get into a fight, I’d have the jump on the other girl for real.  The first time I got kicked in the face by another girl, I knew this wasn’t for me.  I tried to find reasons not to come back to the dojo whenever I got a chance, but my dad insisted.  He told me I didn’t have to be an expert, but his daughter would know how to defend herself in the world.

I think, if I’m remembering this right, that’s how I started going to work with mom more.  She agreed with dad about defending myself…but she couldn’t stand to see me come home with black eyes.  That is, more or less, how I became a model.  My dad still ain’t real happy about that, but as fate would have it (hol on man, I’m starting to sound like Zuri.  I need to shake this off…

Kay, this is the break in the middle here.  So I heard today that Bisa Randall is starting us one of these blogs.  The girl is always copying me on something, can’t she even come up with her own thing.  Oooh, I also heard that she’s into girls, did anyone else hear that?  Gross right?  Wait, she’s into girls and she’s always copying me…do you think?  JK, love you Bisa (if you ever see this, which I doubt).

Back to the story.  Yeah, so Zuri came to live with us when she was 10 and I was 8.  Ever since then, her and dad have been inseparable  Zuri reads the same books he loves, loves his old records, is interested in all the history he’s always trying to bore me with.  Oh, and LEST I FORGET, Zuri has competed in regional martial arts tournaments in Karate, Thai Quan Do, and Jeet Kun Do for like eight years.  She’s actually won a couple in Thai Quan Do and almost won one in Karate except this huge black chick with braids dislocated her shoulder.  Good times.

For real, sometimes it feels like she lost her dad and stole mine.  I think that’s why I let her have it so much when we were kids, but you know, I grew out of that.  Okay, done being deep for awhile, that kinda sucked.  Like for real, I almost cried for a sec.  Make sure you tune in for my next post, cause I’m for sure gonna load it with gossip and shit talking as well as updates from the fabulous world of Paula Greene.  Until then, babies…

Kisses, Paula

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