Lying naked in front of a fireplace...

It's been two days and she won't stop talking about this stupid apartment. Yes, I get it, you're a big girl now. Hurrah for you. It's just an apartment, it's not even like you even signed a lease yet. I don't want to seem bitchy or anything, but there's just so much I can take. Here I was, trying to plan something big for her birthday coming up and all she can talk about is how much she can't wait to get away from me!

I don't get what she likes so much about the place. Scratch that, I do. It's totally Zuri, through and through. The place used to be some kind of factory or warehouse or something, then some people bought up the abandoned building and turned it into apartments. It's got those ugly exposed brick walls and the newly replaced but made to looks worn floorboards and the whole place is extra tall. It's just the kind of hipster bullshit I would expect Zuri to go for. Now a woman of taste like myself, I'm going to get an apartment that was actually built to be an apartment. I want some place with carpet and heating and a fireplace. I don't know where I got the idea, but I've always been in love with the idea of laying naked in front of a fireplace. Weird, maybe, but I bet now you're picturing how sexy I would look laying naked in front of a fireplace, right? I mean, really, sexy right?

Anyway, if it weren't for all these service hours I put in teaching I could afford to get myself an apartment now with what I could make from modeling. But no, it's every citizens duty to give a year of their lives to their community. I do like teaching chorus, I do, but it hurts my soul to think that when I'm trying to squeeze an e flat out of done deaf little Maria, I could be lying naked in front of a fireplace.

She could have at least looked at some two bedroom apartments. Am I really that bad to live with?

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