I pick up my men where I pick up my coffee

Okay, so, dress rehearsal is in like an hour, so I have to hurry with typing this. I'm supposed to be coming home to change into my clothes for the show, but being a model I have a certain amount of skill when it comes to changing clothes with speed. I just had to take the opportunity to tell you about what happened to me this morning.

I made a stop off on the way to work to get some coffee. While I was standing in line this FINE man with a briefcase and a suit comes up and just starts talking to me about, ya know, stuff...small talk. Anyway, he says something funny that makes me smile. I give him one of my patented "Sweep the hair out of my face, head half turned, over the side of the shoulder smile" and I can see it hit him just right. He recognized me, but he couldn't remember where from (It was probably from the billboard across the street (that's why I go there for breakfast) but it could be something else.) So we talk a little more and he asked if I was doing anything this weekend. Of course I am, but I tell him I'm not (I can move things around). And he asks if I want to go out for dinner. Natch, I said yes. I'm so excited! I haven't had a date in like a month and even longer with someone I actually thought had any hope!

Alright, I'm gonna catch up on Zuri's blog real quick then I'm gone.

Kisses, Paula.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that Paula! I have a new girlfriend myself. She's also a model, her name is Dianna and she actually looks kind of like you, weird huh? I told her the two of you should meet, but she's worried you won't like her. I told her that was nonsense, you're still my friend after all, right?
